UCC Filing Information


Effective July 1, 2001, all Article 9 UCC filings
were centralized at the Secretary Of States Office.

As of July 1, 2001, revised standard UCC forms may be found at the Secretary of State’s website. Follow the instructions shown on the website to properly complete the UCC. The recording fee is $24.00 for the first page and $3.00 for each page after. There are no signatures required.

Termination or amendment of UCC in Real Estate
As of July 1, 2001, revised standard UCC forms may be found at the Secretary of State’s website. Follow the instructions shown on the website to properly complete the UCC Statement Amendment. Only financing statements recorded in Real Estate can be released in our office. The fee for recording a termination is $24.00 for the first page and $3.00 for each page thereafter. A reference document number or book and page is required.

UCC-11 (Searches)
The filing fee for a UCC-11 is $14.00 per debtor name, as required by law (RSMo 400.9-407). A search on a husband and wife is considered to be one search fee. The debtor name and address must be listed on the form. The requesting party’s name and address should be listed on the UCC-11 form. The information or copy box (or both) must be checked. As of July 1, 2001, revised standard UCC forms may be found on the Secretary of State’s website. Follow the instructions shown on the website to properly complete the UCC Information Request.